
Nick Osborne
Creator of the Integrated Functional Coaching System® (IFS), which provides nutrition education, cardio workouts, metabolic circuit training, and recovery workouts for each and every client.
The IFCS has also been used in training professional athletes, World’s Strongest Man champion, The Ohio State University varsity football, wrestling, and field hockey teams, as well as more than 10,000 people around the world get the bodies they want.
- 12x U.S. National Champion for Chinese Wrestling (Shuai-chiao)
- 5x National Full Contact Kung Fu Champion contact (San-Shou)
- 2x North America’s Strongest Man (only man to have won twice)
- World Champion of Combat Kung-Fu known (Shuai-chiao)
- Coached 2006 World’s Strongest Man Winner & 2003 Strongest Woman in U.S.
Industry Leader
- Ohio State Chairman and Coach (8 years)
- Technical Advisor 2005-2007 Arnold Strongman Classic
- Appeared on Discovery Health’s “The Body Fantastic”
- Co-wrote two best-selling books
- Invited speaker and programming consultant

Sharon Osborne
Sharon’s goal is to not just get people into the gym, but to help and educate them to make sure they understand how to get and keep their healthy bodies forever.
Between her 20 years of fitness experience and nine years in the training world, she has developed the right mix of personal coaching, education, accountability and motivation to keep anyone doing what they love to do as long as they want.
- NASM – Certified Fitness Trainer since 2012
- NASM – Women’s Fitness Specialist since 2018
- NASM – Metabolic Female Certification since 2021